Official Gadgeteer Hands On Review: WriteSHIELD Screen Protector
by Judie Hughes
Last date revised: 12/12/2002

Product Requirements:
HP Jornada 560 Series, Casio E-200 Series, AudioVox Maestro, Toshiba e570 Series, O2 XDA, T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone, AT&T SX56, Pocket Loox, Dell Axim X5 Series, Toshiba e310 & e740 Series; Palm M500 & M515 Series, iPAQ 3100, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900, 5400 Series; Casio EM-500 Series, Casio E-125 Series; Visor Prism, Pro & Neo Series, Toshiba e550G Series; URThere @migo PD600 Series

Recently I sent my Phone Edition in to Leonard and Mack at Pocket PC Techs for their fabulous 128MB upgrade service. As a special touch, they included a WriteSHIELD Screen Protector as a lagniappe.

When I got my phone edition back, I could tell there was a slight difference from the Brando Protector that I had had installed previously. While the two protectors are very similar in principle, the main difference was a slightly different "feel." To me, the WriteSHIELD has smoother writing texture to it, but it is still reminiscent of writing on paper. Just like the Brando, it is anti-glare, slightly textured, uses a lighter adhesive than traditional screen protectors, and should last for months and months with normal usage (barring one of your kids gouging the screen with your stylus).

Of course, the main difference was that it was obvious they had taken the time to install the protector in a dust-free environment. There were absolutely no specs or bubbles of any kind under this protector - something I am never quite able to accomplish myself! :0)

The WriteSHIELD protectors are available in a couple of different configurations: you can get the Standard Kit, which includes three "screen protectors and three KlearScreen Wet/Dry single packs and fully illustrated directions," or you can get the Deluxe kit which also includes a "two ounce pump bottle of the KlearScreen cleaning solution and two KlearKloths to maintain the WriteSHIELD's surface."

If you send your PDA in for an upgrade, it is definitely worthwhile to have them add the WriteSHIELD screen protector to the service. IF you aren't sending your PDA in, then you can still enjoy their smooth writing service while you are assured of a protected and pristine PDA screen.

Price: $29.00 for the Standard Kit
$39.00 for Deluxe Kit

Excellent, long lasting protection for your screen
Good value (3 could quite possibly last you almost 2 years)
Easy to remove - non "tacky" adhesive
Smooth writing surface


Let me know your comments on the WriteSHIELD Screen Protector, and read what others have to say.
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