Official Gadgeteer Hands On Review: X10 FireCracker Kit
by Julie Strietelmeier
Last date revised: 02/12/2001

Product Requirements:
Windows PC required if you wish to use the FireCracker desktop software (optional)
FireCracker 1.8meg self executing archive

Remember those funny commercials for the device that would allow you to clap your hands to turn a lamp on or off? You know the jingle, "Clap on... Clap off... Clap on, Clap off. The Clapper!" Well, that is exactly what Judie thought of when I told her about this nifty X10 kit called the FireCracker. She hadn't heard of the X10 communications "language" that allows compatible products to talk to each other via the existing 110V electrical wiring in a home. She said, "Oh, it's just a high tech Clapper." Well, she is right, but X10 is a whole lot more too. It allows you to control lights and appliances from anywhere in the house. But before I mention some of the cool things that are possible with X10, I want to talk about the FireCracker starter kit.

This kit comes with everything that a beginner needs to get up and running with X10 in less than 5mins. I'm serious, it's that easy. Here's what you get:  a PalmPad Remote, Lamp Module, Wireless Link Module and a FireCracker PC Interface Module.

PalmPad Remote

The PalmPad Remote is your physical interface for toggling the X10 modules On and Off. It is made of plastic and is approximately 2.8" x 4.5" x .86"in (71mm x 114mm x 22mm) which is a comfortable size. There are 8 sets of On/Off rubber buttons that give you the ability to control 8 different X10 modules. A slider switch at the bottom of the remote allows you to control an additional 8 devices for a total of 16. There are also  dimmer and brightness control buttons for lamp modules that have this feature.

There is a label on the left side of the remote that you can fill in with the names of the devices that correspond to the On/Off buttons adjacent to them. 

Below the label is a dial that you use to set your Housecode. Every module has matching dial. You set each module to the same Housecode so that you can control all the modules with one PalmPad.

The PalmPad runs on 4 AAA batteries and has a range of 100ft. The greatest thing about it is that this is not an infrared remote, instead it uses RF transmission (wireless radio frequency) to transmit the On/Off signals. That means you don't need a line of site to the device you want to turn on or off. I could easily turn the lights on upstairs from my basement office and visa versa.

Also included in the FireCracker Kit is the Wireless Link Module. It actually transmits signals from the PalmPad Remote to the modules in the house to tell them to turn On or Off. It also acts as a regular appliance / lamp controller. It has a two- prong outlet in the bottom where you can plug a lamp, coffee maker, radio, or other device that can be turned On or Off with the PalmPad Remote. There is also a small On/Off button on the front of the module itself which you can use to toggle the power status of the attached device.

Wireless Link Module

An antenna on the right side of the module extends 12 inches. I tried some tests and found that I could leave the antenna fully collapsed and still control devices. Even ones that were upstairs were toggled on and off just fine while the Wireless Link was downstairs.

The included Lamp Module will allow you to control a lamp (up to 300W max). The module is just a square chunk of plastic that plugs into a standard 2 prong wall outlet. The unit has a two-prong plug-in on the bottom where you plug the lamp. The front of the module has a Housecode dial and a Unitcode dial. The Housecode setting should match the Housecode setting on the PalmPad. The Unitcode should be set to a number different than any other modules that you may have in the house. You can control up to 16 different modules per Housecode.

Lamp Module

The Unitcode matches the corresponding On/Off button on the PalmPad. So for example, if you set your Lamp Module to Unitcode 2, then pressing the PalmPad #2 On button will cause the lamp connected to that module to turn On. Pressing the #2 Off button will of course, turn that lamp Off. Simple!

Here is a diagram to help you understand how the devices talk to one another. When you click a button on the PalmPad Remote, it sends the On or Off command to the Wireless Link Module which then sends the command to the Lamp Module which results in the lamp being turned On or Off.

Now if all you want to do is turn lamps On and Off, you can just go buy a bunch of Lamp modules and quit reading. But, if you want to use your PC to control the devices, read a little farther....

In addition to receiving signals from the PalmPad Remote, the Wireless Link Module has another function. It actually transmits signals from your computer via the FireCracker software and PC interface module to the modules throughout the house to tell them to turn On or Off. 

PC Interface Module

The PC Interface is a very small pass thru serial module. You just plug this device into a 9pin serial port on the back of your computer or laptop, and then plug whatever you had originally plugged into that port into the other end of the PC Interface. You then must download the free FireCracker PC software from the X10 site.

Once installed, it asks you which com-port the PC Interface is plugged into. After you answer correctly, you are greeted with an exact replica of the PalmPad Remote on your desktop. Everything that you can do with the physical PalmPad, you can now do with the one on your computer. 

FireCracker PC Software

You can even use this software to print labels for the physical PalmPad Remote. 

Here is a diagram to help you understand how the PC communicates with the X10 modules. When you click a button on the onscreen PalmPad remote, it sends a command to the PC Interface plugged into the back of the computer. The interface then sends a signal to the Wireless Link Module which then sends a signal to the Lamp Module to turn it on.

The software is simple to use. Actually it is too simple. I really wish that the software had more features such as timers or macros. It would be really nice to create a macro that pressed the Off button for every connected module and then have the ability to run that macro at 11pm at night. Unfortunately, all you can do with the software is click the buttons in real time.  There are of course other software packages that you can buy that will interface with X10 modules so if you are interested, you can look further.

The FireCracker Kit is a terrific way to get your feet wet with X10 without spending a ton of cash. The problem is that once you do get started playing with these modules, you'll quickly want to buy ones that have more exotic functions. It's really addictive and fun once you start thinking about all the neat things that you can control. There are modules that sense motion, modules that open garage doors, modules that include wireless webcams, thermostat control modules and so much more. 

Now where did I put that catalog, I need to order some more stuff!

Price: $49.99 (often sold for MUCH less during promotions on the X10 site. I purchased this package for $5.95)

Simple to setup
Easy to use
Many applications

FireCracker PC software is a little anemic
No Mac version of FireCracker software available

Let me know your comments on the X10 FireCracker Kit and read what others have to say.