Owner Comments on the Tale Light Review


OK, I was intrigued. The taillight gadget is cool and I thought I could justify it - and was ready to buy. At $18. But then, when I go to fill in the order and it instead costs $29 + $4 for plain old US mail! No way, I'll do without!

Tom O'Rourke
[email protected]


Well, I finally received the Talelight in the mail yesterday.  However, I was
disappointed by the fact that I cannot find any programs that will allow the
light to stay on no matter what application I am using.  Its more of a show
piece than a really useful addition to my pilot.  I was hoping to use it as an
indicator  where I would be able to locate the pilot in dim lit conditions.
Until such a program i s developed, well then, I guess I am out $16.00.

Know of any such programs out there???

Tom Slovenski