Official Gadgeteer Hands On Review: Cross Digital Writer Duo Morph Pen
by Judie Clark
Last date revised: 01/10/2001

Product Requirements:
Any touch screen device

Are you ready to try something a little different? I have discovered a pen that has a personality disorder�it can�t decide if it wants to be a pen or a stylus, or whether it wants to be held with a thin grip or a fat rubberized grip.

The Cross Morph Digital Writer Duo is about the funkiest stylus/pen combination that I have ever seen, and you can get one from Stylus Central.

Based on Cross�s popular Morph line, the looks of this pen are slightly futuristic.

Why would you want to even consider such an attention-grabbing pen?

Simple � it writes like a dream, and you can customize the grip to fit your hand.

Through some modern miracle of engineering, the same center band that you twist to extend the pen�s tip, is also where you twist to change the size of the Morph�s grip. Once you start twisting, these �ribs� will start to appear, from inside the silicone cover. These ribs can get pretty large, creating a comfortable triangular grip.

Check this out:

This is what the grip looks like when it is at its smallest�

This is about mid-size�

This is the Morph fully extended. At this point, the silicone becomes slightly translucent, and you can just about �see� the interior ribs � it�s actually pretty freaky.

The pocket clip is also unique � it features a ball trapped in a cutout at the bottom of the folded-up clip; right in keeping with the ultramodern looks of the pen.

Don�t want to use the stock stylus located in your PDA�s silo? No problem; flip the pen, and use the included stylus tip.

This tip is so smooth and rounded, I can�t imagine scratching a screen with it. In any case, it writes equally well on a protected or unprotected screen.

I will tell you right now, that I really like this pen. The quality of the Morph is superior; and it feels very pleasant in your hand. The barrel is smooth aluminum, and it is cool to the touch. There is just enough rubbery silicone at the end to feel cushy on your fingers. The way the grip expands should fit just about anyone�s needs.

All of the attention is drawn to where your fingers will be when you are using the writing tip of the Morph � this creates the only �con� that I can find to this pen:

When you flip it to use the stylus end, it is obviously not as comfortable. I don�t recommend writing for extended periods of time in this manner � however, for quick look-ups, and entries, you should have no problem or discomfort.

There is no way that I could get through this review without mentioning the case that the Morph comes in � the word coffin comes to mind�J

The Morph that I was presented with for review is the quicksilver color. You can also purchase this pen in red, blue or green

Price: $55.00 (Available in Silver, Red, Blue, & Green)

Futuristic styling, coupled with an adjustable grip
Stylus built in to top of pen
Writes like a dream

Not as comfortable when using the stylus end for extended periods of time

Let me know your comments on the Cross Digital Writer Duo Morph Pen and read what others have to say.